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Old 01-08-2010, 11:26 AM  
Fresh Poster
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 2
Default Make Money and Shopping

Hey ppz, I finally decided to make an account on here after months of lurking lol so please bear with me...Since the community here is so awesome, I thought I'd share a few sites that I've been frequenting lately and share a secret. The first site is, its an awesome place to get good deals on electronics and watches. shipping's free too (not quite sure how it works out for them but hey, thats not my problem.) so that’s a plus.I also like going to volume rate. Prices aren’t as good as Leetboss (no free shipping, unfortunately), and some of their goods come slightly damaged because of bad packaging, but their selection is nice.I basically use these websites to make some quick cash. I go onto them and pick an item like the r4i sdhc which is really cheap. Then I post them on forums and sell them online as a drop shipper. Last month I made over $1000 in profits, as a college student the money really comes in handy. I hope your finals all well if you have any and good luck making some quick ca$$$h.Happy Holidays,Ben
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